Meet our partners

Our Clients are our partners!


We see ourselves as the watchdogs for our clients. We help you chose the right solutions for your company that fits within your predetermined goals. Technology can be an incredible asset and we help implement and protect that asset. Our focus is partnerships with all our clients. Each team member on our staff is dedicated to your goals and success! We pride ourselves on keeping you happy and well protected!

01. Strategic

Fiscally responsible partners that will provide solutions that fit your budget and criteria. Keeping costs down allows you to be more aggressive with your pricing models to customers.

02. Professional

Our IT Professionals instill a culture of respect and gratitude driven right from our CEO. All team members are highly respected leaders in their fields.

03. Knowledgeable

 The staff at Partners4IT are qualified and knowledgeable not only in technology but your world as well. We pride ourselves on understanding the business processes you rely upon.

Proven Success

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Customer Service and dedication to excellence is our driving force! We pride ourselves on saving you money. Our team of Auditing professionals are always on the lookout for cost savings oppurtunities. Vision of the complete IT department can help us spot forgotten cost reduction.

1.6 million in cost reductions

Since our companies inception our customers continue to reduce costs! One client alone was 350,000/year

Get In Touch

900 Wilshire Dr.
Troy, Michigan 48084
