Cybersecurity & Data Protection

a cultural mindset


Do you know 68% of companies don’t even talk about security breaches? Over 50% don’t have a plan in case of one?


Most IT employees have very limited knowledge when it comes to a data breach.


Cyber criminals and data terrorists work around the clock to find new ways to steal your most important assets. This in turn will result in collecting their most important asset…. your money. The days of annoying viruses are over! These profit chasing groups are well organized and hidden from prosecution. Our company has been on the front lines of this battle and continues to develop plans to protect our customers, train employees so they are prepared and put processes in place in the event of a breach.


We perform a full audit of your data access and current processes in place. A security checkup to identify any weaknesses you might have.

02. Prepare

We develop a strategy for plugging the holes, training employees and protecting your assests.

03. Implement

Our team will then communicate the plan, develop a readiness and help execute simulations.

Get In Touch

900 Wilshire Dr.
Troy, Michigan 48084
